Marigolds in Autumn

Posted by Janie | Posted in , , | Posted on 7:00 AM

Recently before the cold weather set in I cleaned out my flower bed which was home for some of the most beautiful marigold plants I have ever seen, if I do say so myself.  They gave to me an abundance of seeds for next season of which I am eternally grateful.  I wanted to take a few last photos of my friends before they were gone for the coldness of winter and thought that I would share them with you.  Enjoy...

Comments (1)

The look so pretty. Very nice autumn pictures :)

Marigolds have quite an ancient history, also regarding a Greek Mythe about Aphrodite, also regarding Mother Mary where the names is derived from and yet some more relations from Tibet to Mexico and healing qualities it seems to have.

That was intersting to find out, so thanks for posting these.